MISIA Seminar successfully held in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

MISIA Seminar successfully held in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
KSA is a provisional IPSC Region established by Saudi Shooting Federation
Headed by the IPSC President Vitaly Kryuchin IPSC Basic Safety course and
MISIA Instructors Seminar was held first time in Riyadh October 8-18.
37 participants: 28 men and 9 women took part in this sports event.
The President of the SSF HH Prince Saud bin Khaled Alsaud
opened the event and periodically joined the educational process, showing good
practical shooting skills.
The CEO of SSF Sultan H Al Sheikh participated in the seminar and successfully
was qualified as a MISIA Handgun Instructor as other 11 Seminar participants.
This week the same group of athletes and Instructors will participate in IROA
Level I Seminar organized by the IROA President Dino Evangelinos.
MISIA Trainers: Vitaly Kryuchin, Eduardo de Cobos, Alex Esteve, Yuraima Diaz
from Spain and Zangar Aliyev from Kazakhstan.
IROA Instructors: Nuno Diogo and Paulo Santos from Portugal.