Ekaterina Nikiforova

The 2019 First #MISIA Level I Handgun Seminar successfully held in Costa Brava Complex www.costabravacomplex.com on February 23 - 24, 2019.
During the seminar 22 participants passed the very intensive theory and practice courses. The majority of them successfully passed the MISIA Instructor Level I shooting test. The event was supported by the Real Federacion Espanola de Tiro Olimpico, Federacio Catalana de Tir Olimpic and Gerona University.
During the first day, participants got the important theoretical knowledge of work with the group, sequence of the IPSC drills for new shooters, efficient approach of IPSC education and the tips on how to motivate the shooters during the training. In the range, they worked as a trainer and as a student to try practically how to conduct the IPSC intro courses with a group of 4 shooters.
❗Today MISIA Seminars are not only for teaching, but also for the IPSC skill knowledge sharing. A lot of tips on how to improve the International Standard of IPSC Education were shared between IPSC Officials and MISIA seminar's attendees.
❗During his visit in Spain the IPSC President Mr Vitaly Kryuchin had the meeting with Gerona University officials who are supporting and developing IPSC academic postgraduate education, as well as with President of RFETO (NSSF), IPSC Regional Director Sir Miguel Frances Pumarada and President of Catalana Federation Sir Joan Rodriguez i Milan and their professional team.
Here are the main results of IPSC – MISIA event in Spain Region:
✅We got 20 certified MISIA Instructors in Spain, who are ready to conduct high-level IPSC Intro courses
✅Eduardo de Cobos officially confirmed by Regional Director Sir Miguel Frances Pumarada as MISIA Director of Spain Region
✅We discussed the new ideas of Spain Region on how to attract more officially registered IPSC shooters to increase the amount of IPSC members worldwide
✅We strengthened the ties between NSSF and IPSC, which are already very good in the Spain Region
✅We discovered the new IPSC Shooting complex in Costa Brava with the big indoor and 300m open ranges, and excellent facilities
✅We had a very important and productive meeting with Guardia Civil Head in Gerona
✅We get a nice example of the officialisation of IPSC education with the Government University of Gerona. All the participants get the official recognition of Gerona University, the Certificat of University and 3 ECTS European Education Credits
Thank you to all the participants for their effort and officials for the warm welcome in Spain!